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Here at CCF we want you to experience the excitement of people who have experienced the love of Jesus and now desire to express His love to all. We are inviting everyone to join us who want to experience the love and acceptance of Jesus, and who by His grace, makes us the family of God. Our services are inspiring with Spirit-filled worship that glorifies God and a sense of genuine fellowship.


We believe there is greatness in every person. Our educational programs from children to youth and adults, offers nurturing teachers and support to help everyone fulfill their God-given destiny. At CCF we make it easy to meet new friends and re-launch your life. You will experience how easy it is to get connected to God and the CCF community of believers.


Finally, we know you will find hope at CCF. Real hope for real life challenges, and hope based upon the amazing grace of a loving God who gave us His Son that we may have abundant life and eternal life.

Please feel free to ask us how you can become a part of Christian Country Fellowship, It’s the healing place!


In 1997, Pastor Bill Pearson and his wife Audrey planted our fellowship. It was originally called Penning For Jesus Cowboy Church. Our first services were held outdoors and from there we have been blessed to grow into our current location and wonderful facilities complete with playground, gymnasium, classrooms, fellowship hall, and a comfortable auditorium.


Although we began primarily as a cowboy oriented fellowship, we embrace our entire community and encourage everyone from all walks of life to join our family.


We have placed a high priority on serving the young people of our community. The youth are our future, and they are loved and celebrated here at Christian Country Fellowship. Real hope for real life challenges, and hope based upon the amazing grace of a loving God who gave us His Son that we may have abundant and eternal life.


When Pastor Bill started the fellowship the Lord told him the fellowship was to be a healing place. A place where not only physical diseases can be healed, but also the brokenness life brings our way. Indeed, we believe Christ not only died for our sins, but He also died that we may have healing and enjoy abundant life here on earth.


Many wonderful miracles, healings, and professions of faith, occur often in our fellowship. To God be all the glory for the things He has done. We invite you to bring your needs to the Lord here at CCF and let our community of believers stand in faith with you.


We are a friendly fellowship and everyone is invited and made welcome. Our worship is vibrant and our teaching is biblical and relevant. We are a Holy Spirit-filled church where Jesus is Lord of all and over all. Please come soon and bring the whole family. Afterwards stay for great fellowship and meet the friendliest people around.

Ministry Team

Pastor Bill Pearson


Pastor Bill Pearson

Audrey Pearson


Curtis Wright


Marti Wright

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